8th Annual and Electoral HGZD Assembly Held on 6.5.2014

HGZD Annual Assembly 2014

HGZD Annual Assembly 2014

The 8th Annual and Electoral HGZD Assembly was held on 6 May 2014 in the premises of the Zagreb Classical Gymnasium Society (DZKG).

The Association’s president held the Annual Report for 2013 (pdf, HR) and the mandate report, the financial report and he proposed adoption of two planning documents: the HGZD Strategic Plan 2014 – 2018 (pdf, HR) and the Annual Plan for 2014.

HGZD Annual Assembly 2014

HGZD Annual Assembly 2014

The regular elections for the Association’s bodies were held, and Željko Heimer was again elected president. The newly elected vice-president is Dubravka Peić Čaldarović, and the re-elected secretary Matea Brstilo Rešetar. New members of the Board are Tomislav Galović and Tijana Trako Poljak.