29th International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany 2010

29. međunarodni heraldički i genealoški kongres Stuttgart, Njemačka, 2010.

29. međunarodni heraldički i genealoški kongres Stuttgart, Njemačka, 2010.

We had a chance to show on this Congress that the decision made on the previous one in Quebec 2008 to admit HGZD into the International Confederation for Genealogy and Heraldry (CIGH) membership was justified. We had no less then three lecturers from HGZD among the 55 lectures from 20 countries presenting on the Congress – showing that the international interest for the Croatian heraldry exists and that there is yet much that we may show and teach some details to our esteemed foreign colleagues.

That we had chance to learn much need not to be highlighted. More on the Congress read in our next “Grb i zastava” while here you may take a look at some photos showing the atmosphere there. Also, you may want to take a look at the Congress web site at www.congress2010.info.

29. međunarodni heraldički i genealoški kongres Stuttgart, Njemačka, 2010. 29. međunarodni heraldički i genealoški kongres Stuttgart, Njemačka, 2010. 29. međunarodni heraldički i genealoški kongres Stuttgart, Njemačka, 2010. 29. međunarodni heraldički i genealoški kongres Stuttgart, Njemačka, 2010. 29. međunarodni heraldički i genealoški kongres Stuttgart, Njemačka, 2010.