Our 16th Tribune was held on 19th June 2012 in the premises of the Zagreb Classical Gymnasium Association (DZKG). Dr. Tomislav Galović, senior assistant professor from the Croatian History Institute of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of the University of Zagreb, held the lecture titled “Croatian Heraldic Collections” presenting the wealth of the Croatian heraldic heritage preserved in the manuscripts and printed books of heraldic collections produced since the Middle Age to the present time in all parts of Croatia.
The lecture particularly highlighted the manuscript armorial books such as the Collection of the Realms and the Excellent Families of the Illyrian Empire – known as the Ohmučević’s Armorial (not preserved in an original), i.e. its subsequent copies: the Kor(j)enić-Neorić Armorial, the Fojnica Armorial, the Saraka Armorial and others. A number of our cities has its own armorials, among which Split, Trigir and Rijeka may be mentioned as examples. In the second half of the 19th century the armorial by I. Kukuljević Sakcinski titled The Arms of the Croatian Families (I-II) is important. Among the printed collections, one should mention the works by M. Orbini Il Regno de gli Slavi, by P. Ritter Vitezović Stemmatographia, by I. Bojničić Kninski Der Adel von Kroatien und Slavonien, E. Laszowski Grbovi Jugoslavije, V. Antun Duišin Heraldički zbornik. Zbornik plemstva u Hrvatskoj, Slavoniji, Dalmaciji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Dubrovniku, Kotoru i Vojvodini. Also the modern heraldic publications were mentioned, such as Grbovnik Gacke, Krbave, Like, Senja i Vinodola by E. Ljubović, Paški grbovnik by M. Granića and others.
As part of the Tribune, we held our Annual Assembly, in which the president gave an annual report.