The Croatian Heraldic and Vexillological Society (HGZD), established on 4 May 2006, is celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2021. In fifteen years, the Society has published 29 volumes of the Grb i zastava journal; it published or co-published three monographs and proceedings; co-organized two scientific conferences; held about a hundred public lectures at the HGZD Tribune or as a guest in Zagreb, throughout Croatia, and abroad; hosted a dozen foreign experts at its Tribune; organized several exhibitions. For the third year in a row, the Society has been implementing projects of the stone heraldic heritage digitization with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia. Members of the society actively publish articles in the media, professional and scientific papers, write monographs, participate in conferences and international activities. We thank You for Your support all this time.