14th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« – Iran, 15.10.2019

14th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« – Iran, 15.10.2019

14th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« – Iran, 15.10.2019

The lecture cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« organized by the Coordination of Croatian Friendship Societies, under auspices of President of the Republic kolinda Grabar Kitarović, continued with its 14th lecture titled »Flags of Iran«, given by the HGZD president Heimer in the auditorium of the Coordination on 15 October 2019.

After the lecture the overfilled Coordination hall audiance was addressed by H. E. Mr. Mohammad Reza Sadegh,extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Republic of Croatia.



14th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« – Iran, 15.10.2019

14th Lecture in the Cycle »Flags of European and World Countries« – Iran, 15.10.2019